Inlays & Onlays in Marshfield, MA

Usually, when a tooth has a cavity, there are three main ways of fixing it. For cases of mild cavities, dental fillings suffice. Severe fracturing or cavities typically require dental crowns. In between fillings and dental crowns, we have inlays and onlays—dental restorations that fix moderate tooth damage. Inlays and onlays in Marshfield, MA are recommended when a patient’s tooth is too severely damaged to benefit from a dental filling, but not damaged enough to require dental crowns.

Inlays fit within the cusps of a tooth while onlays extend beyond the cusps. Beyond the surface area, there are no other key differences between inlays and onlays.

Inlays & Onlays Treatment Procedure

As in the case of dental crowns and fillings, our dentist in Marshfield, MA begins preparation for inlays and onlays by removing traces of decay from your affected tooth. After tooth preparation, our dentist takes teeth impressions, either manually using dental putty or digitally using an intraoral scanner and other dental software.

The dental lab relies on these teeth impressions during the creation of your custom inlays and onlays. Inlays and onlays may be manufactured from gold, porcelain, composite resin, or ceramic.

During your follow-up appointment, our dentist bonds the inlays or onlays to your affected teeth using dental cement or resin.

Advantages of Inlays & Onlays

Are you in search of an experienced dentist near you who can restore your teeth using inlays and onlays? If so, you’re likely also wondering whether these dental restorations are right for you. The advantages of inlays and onlays include:

  • Unlike metal fillings which tend to weaken teeth, inlays and onlays do quite the opposite—they strengthen your teeth, thus preventing further deterioration and prolonging tooth life.
  • Inlays and onlays are stain-resistant.
  • They preserve your natural tooth structure as they don’t involve significant enamel removal.
  • Inlays and onlays can last as many as 30 years with proper care.
  • If you opt for tooth-colored materials, inlays and onlays give the appearance of a natural and healthy smile, which is the confidence boost you require if you’ve been struggling with cavities.

Contact Marshfield Dental Group if you’d like to start the process of transforming your smile using inlays and onlays near you.

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